นิทรรศการ "Reframed"

Event Details

นิทรรศการ "Reframed"

Time: April 5, 2014 to May 30, 2014
Location: Whitespace Gallery Bangkok
City/Town: Bangkok, Thailand
Website or Map: http://www.whitesp-cegallery.…
Event Type: art, exhibition
Latest Activity: Apr 5, 2014

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Event Description

Exhibition Opening: 6:00pm - 9:00pm, April 05, 2014
Exhibition Dates: April 05 - May 30, 2014


Whitespace Gallery Bangkok presents the work of an extraordinary American designer,
Dann De Witt. REFRAMED aims to reframe the conversation about design versus art, by presenting
Mr. De Witt's work de-contextualised– stripped of the signifiers of its original design purpose, and presented in a way that allows the audience to experience, and evaluate it purely as artistic expression.

Whitespace plan to mount annual exhibitions exploring questions at the intersection of Art and Design, to promote discourse and inspiration within the creative community

Artist’s statement:

I was 23 or 24, a couple of years into art school and on fire creatively, when it began to hit me that the people who could really benefit from art, who could really use the insights, inspiration, and sheer pleasure it can provide—regular, everyday people like you’d see on the subway or driving a cab or repairing shoes—never seemed to show up at openings or galleries or lectures or museums. Why should they? Why should they have to come to art, on its terms? Why not the other way around? Why not bring truly challenging, emotive, thoughtful art to as many people as possible through mass media? This revelation ultimately led to a career in communications design, which I approach—passionately, uncompromisingly, and often subversively—as a form of artistic expression that is shared freely with audiences that number in the millions.

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