นิทรรศการ "55 Years of Thai - German Technical Cooperation"

Event Details

นิทรรศการ "55 Years of Thai - German Technical Cooperation"

Time: March 26, 2012 to April 27, 2012
Location: Goethe-Institut Thailand
City/Town: Bangkok,Thailand
Website or Map: http://www.goethe.de
Phone: 02 287 0942-4
Event Type: art, exhibition
Latest Activity: Mar 19, 2012

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Event Description

The exhibition presents the works of the Thai–German technical cooperation, which began on October 9, 1956 with the Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation. The cooperation has covered over 200 development projects so far in almost all areas.

Until the late 1970s, efforts and projects had been concentrated on vocational education, health, infrastructure and rural development. During the last 20 years urban development, economic development through the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises and environmental and climate protection was put in focus. Since Thailand plays a crucial role in the region, Thailand is engaged as a provider in development cooperation under Thai-German Trilateral Cooperation Programme with a third partner. Both countries jointly transfer their know-how and experiences to support the neighbouring countries and the region. Today the Thai-German technical cooperation covers bilateral, regional and trilateral cooperation.

The time-line exhibition presents major milestones of the cooperation in the global development context of the last six decades, including real-life stories of the people and institutes. In addition, a short-documentary film presents lesson learned from the view point of former stakeholders and major impacts.

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