Thesis Degree show 2015
Communication Design program
School of Architecture and design , Kmutt

Narcissism is our natural state, one we are born with. I notice that many teenagers today pay a lot of attention to their physical appearance, almost to the point of obsession.Selfies are becoming one of
the most popular past time for individuals and it is a tool that they use to satisfy the
need of narcissism. I also know that selfie is a mirroring process that create an intended image to be perceived by others. I relate this to ‘Mirror stage’ theory, it suggests that the idea of self is created through imagination which stems from narcissism.
I explored the technique of ‘life casting face’ in an attempt to remind myself of my being and to have myself thinking about what my self-image really is, for no matter how much the image stays true my intention, the image will always be a distortion of reality. How much can I believe in the image from the mirror when one encounter as a reflection?
What if you are mirror, how would you see yourself?

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