The Voluntary GRAFIX Project by Thailand Graphic Designers Association

Recent trauma situations that have occurred in Thailand since March 2010, have evolved tremendously damage socially and economically to the country as a whole, and especially to small, medium and large enterprises. 

Under these circumstances, ThaiGa realizes the hardship of those entrepreneurs on how to resume or revive their businesses.
Bearing in mind that many voluntary projects will be established to provide care, assistance and advice. In this instance, ThaiGa as a professional association, has considered its responsibilities in restoring our country to its normality. Hence, ThaiGa sets up a project entitled “GRAFIX: Design Thailand” and acts as a center of voluntary Thai graphic designers, well-versed in their design fields, to assist, support and advise all needed parties, i.e. governmental departments, companies, SMEs or individuals. Those who wish to utilize expertise in preferred graphic design fields can visit our website:, to see names, contacts and their portfolios.

Terms and conditions for graphic designers/design studios in GRAFIX Project: 

1. Those who wish to join the Voluntary GRAFIX Project, can register via e-mail by identifying the following details:
Name and surname, or name of the company;
Telephone number(s);
Website or web-bloc (with portfolio);
Profile Image or studio's logo (48x48 pixels) for including in the GRAFIX website. 

2. When contacted for voluntary services, kindly request for preliminary evidence of loss/after-effect resulted from the trauma situation (any kind of evidence) so that particular graphic designer is confident, willing and happy to provide services. 

3. Careful consideration on scope and details of the work to be accomplished must be taken into account before acceptance to provide services. 

4. Written information on the scope, quantity, time-span and cost of the required work to be accomplished must be specified so that both parties clearly understand each other. 

5. This voluntary project “GRAFIX” is set-up during this critical situation of the country with the aim to provide opportunities to graphic designers to utilize their professional expertise to assist and uplift Thai society. Hence, voluntary graphic designer(s)/designing firms should not turn down the request(s) because of its own interest in the work or creative challenges. If services requested are within your capacity or ability, kindly accept. Please do not deny unreasonably. Nonetheless, if problems arise, kindly contact us at

Terms and conditions in ascertaining design expertise

1. Individuals, organizations, businessmen and project executors can contact directly the desired studio(s) or designer(s), but must present preliminary evidence of their loss/after-effect resulted from the trauma situations, i.e. pictures or ownership documents, etc. More details can be discussed with the desired designers.

2. Services rendered by graphic designers under GRAFIX project are either freeof charge or with minimal charges depending on varied terms and conditions as well as taking into consideration the degree of loss and status of individuals; scope and quantity of work as well as readiness of the graphic designers listed in the Project, as some of designers or designing firms are also affected by these trauma situations.

3. It is well aware that individual has its own design preference, hence graphic designers to be chosen from a link contained in should possess the same criteria or perception so as to avoid delay in providing design services.

4. When contacting your desired graphic designers, written information on the scope, quantity, time-span and cost of the required work to be completed must be specified so that both parties clearly understand each other.

5. This voluntary project “GRAFIX” is set-up during this critical situation of the country with the aim to provide opportunities to graphic designers to utilize their professional expertise to assist and uplift Thai society. They are willing to do their best in their own fields, so in case of problems on misunderstanding or miscommunication arise in the process, kindly contact our association at

6. GRAFIX Voluntary Project will be executed from 1 June to 31 August 2010.

7. ThaiGa has stated the definition of "Graphic Design" in our 2010 Board of Committee's Meeting as follows:
"Graphic Design is a creative process that combines concept, art, technology and/or information to communicate ideas through variety of medias. Graphic Designers (i) work mainly with image and typography as tools to convey message to a particular audience; and (2) utilize artistic skill, logic, theory and/or intuition to assist effective problem solving in communication.

The 12 categories of Graphic Design are:
1. Print Design (such as Poster, calendar, leaflet, brochure, print advertising and catalog)
2.Book Design (such as special book, annual report and pocket book, 
3.Editorial Design (such as magazine, newspaper, newsletter)
4.Graphic on Product and Package
5.Typographic Design (such as lettering design, typeface design and typesetting)
6. Trademark, Logo, Symbol, and Iconography
7.Identity Design 
8.Environmental Graphic (such as signage system, way-findings and exhibition graphic )
9. New Media & Interactive(such as website and multi-media)
10.Time-Based Media Graphics (such as motion graphic)
11. Information Design(such as map and diagram)
12.Mixed Media Graphic (such as Design Installation, Experimental Design)

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