17-Inch MacBook Pro Battery Is Actually Removable - ใครว่า MBP 17" เปลี่ยน Batt ไม่ได้

Before the 17-inch, unibody MacBook Pro even started shipping, many interested customers were frustrated with the notebook's non-removable battery. They'll be delighted to learn that it actually is removable — unofficially.
iFixIt, which performs Apple product repairs and teardowns, has posted its disassembly guide of the 17-inch MacBook Pro. It turns out the battery is very easily removable with a screwdriver.
"It's the same idea as the MacBook Air, where you can do it, but officially it's not supported," said iFixIt's Luke Soules.
Three tri-wing screws hold the MacBook Pro's battery in its case. iFixIt said Apple likely used these screws to intimidate users from removing the battery, because not many consumers own a tri-wing screwdriver. However, iFixIt said a small flathead screwdriver will work just fine.
iFixIt said it will soon sell replacement batteries for the 17-inch MacBook Pro. This offers an alternative to Apple's 17-inch MacBook Pro battery replacement program, which costs $180.
MacBook Pro 17" Unibody First Look [iFixIt]
Photo: iFixIt

Source : http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2009/02/17-inch-macbook.html

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