Stylish Nonsense



Profile Information:

First & Last Name :
Stylish Nonsense
I am an Artist/Talent : (ระบุตามจริง/มีผลงานแสดง)
Musician, Sound Composer
About Me :

They've started making their own music since 1993. In the beginning it was learning sequencing on cakewalk 2.0 music software that june's brother put on his personal computer model 386dx with sound blaster16 card inside, for his young music mania brother. then june share to his university's friend, pok who he met at music club of electrical engineering department, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang when they were freshy (2537). The "fm syhthesis" sound of sound blaster 16 and how piano roll sequencing inspired june to compose music for vdo game by his imagination influenced by soundtracks of classic '80 RPG nintendo games when they were young. Plenty of songs were saved on june's hard drive and floppy disks and just keep close on his desk...
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  • sakorn

    ชอบเพลง จัง
    แล้ว จะติดตามผลงาน นะครับ ^^
  • i0_

    hi again crub, finally i 've found the way how to post my tracks here ( that's soundcloud, ha ha how silly i am) so, if you wanna check my stuffs, please go to my page crub and it must be your kindness if you please comment or advise some of my stuffs. (my tracks still not good enough to show to anybody, i think)

    keep tunes and have a good day crub.

    ps: nice to know some part of your experience @ Analyse workshop. thx so much crub. :)

    hi . .. u r P'June right ?
    i like ur song so much ka :)