Currently there are more than 36,000 stores as Sellsuki users. Most of the store found themselves more trustworthy to the customers when they decided to invest in some particular system. This is one of the reason why online store choose Sellsuki as their POS system in order to work systematically, built customers trust with online billing system, and create a better company image.
About Me :
Sellsuki is the POS for online stores. Our software enables stores to chat easier, sell faster and deliver the product quicker, which can save a lot of time and energy of the sellers. Here are some of the features that we provide when stores log into our system. We have separated the color tabs according to order and delivery status; therefore, there will be no more confusion when stores contact their customers through Facebook page. Online stores who are our customers can send a message to multiple clients when they want to promote new products. We got online billing system that will automatically tell the buyers which are the available payment channels. Moreover, if the store need to make an urgent shipment, there will be no problem as Sellsuki also connect to private warehouse and logistic partners. These are just a part of other interesting features that we got. Our goal is to make it convenient for the stores to work and finish all their selling process in one program as much as possible.
Sellsuki Company Limited
39, Male
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