



Profile Information:

First & Last Name :
Sansern Rianthong
I am an Artist/Talent : (ระบุตามจริง/มีผลงานแสดง)
Digital Artist, Fine Artist, Graphic Designer, Illustartor, Painter, Packaging Designer, Sculptor, Surface Designer, Web Designer
Professional Info :
Zoodstudio is Art and Experimental Studio found by Sansern Rianthong AKA Zooddooz. We connect people and space with art, and improve atmosphere and image of public realm by activity and participation of audiences.
About Me :
ZOODSTUDIO or SANSERN RIANTHONG is a multidisciplinary artist, communication designer and typographer born in Thailand. He likes to seek out and take on challenging projects and provide solutions to clients by using both his imagination and his knowledge of art and design. He has work experience in a graphic design agency, a digital business and an apparel importing company. He enjoys working with people from different backgrounds, and dealing with unpredictable opportunities.
Website :

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