Supmanee Chai




Profile Information:

First & Last Name :
Supmanee Chai
Company / Organization :
I am an Artist/Talent : (ระบุตามจริง/มีผลงานแสดง)
Architect, Fine Artist, Graphic Designer
I am a Photographer and Specialize in : (ระบุตามจริง/มีผลงานแสดง)
Animals, Architecture, Beauty, Landscape, Lifestyle, Travel
Professional Info :
- section manager/architect and researcher(health and indoor environmental for architecture)
- water colorist
- sketcher (member of Bangkok sketchers group)
About Me :
Supmanee was born in Bangkok. As a girl always enjoyed doing drawing and water color painting since she was young. 2001-2005, She earned Bachelors of Science (Architecture) and Master of Architecture (Mainly in Architectural Technology & Environmental Design) from Faculty of Architecture and Planning ,Thammasat University,Thailand . In the present, she works as a project architect and researcher in a design company,Thailand. Since last year, after she survived because of a little cancer, it made she realized that life is short, so should do what the life desire to do. Then she has started to do her sketches and painting again and enjoyed to participated sketch with Bangkok sketchers group.
Website :

Comment Wall:

  • kabkan

    หวัดดีครับผม ^___^