Melissa Choi




Profile Information:

First & Last Name :
Melissa Choi
I am an Artist/Talent : (ระบุตามจริง/มีผลงานแสดง)
Fashion Designer, Fashion Stylist, Fine Artist, Illustartor, Musical Artist
I am in Music Network : (ระบุตามจริง/มีผลงานแสดง)
Professional Info :
I have a Bachelor of Science in Fashion Design from Philadelphia University and designed clothes for Free People for 2.5 years. I also worked as a product stylist for I enjoy making edgy and forward clothing and accessories, making art, and building sets for photoshoots.
About Me :
I am currently living in BKK but before that I lived in Philadelphia, USA. I love collaborating with all creative types. Contact me if you would like to work together!

Comment Wall:

  • tamm

    HELLO :)