


Hong Kong

Profile Information:

First & Last Name :
Carey Chiu
I am an Artist/Talent : (ระบุตามจริง/มีผลงานแสดง)
Graphic Designer, Illustartor
Professional Info :
Graduated in Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, ca2eypirat engaged in design sector, contribute her interest and skills to the commercial industry. In her spare time, she creates artworks and makes hand-made dolls and accessories. On the other hand, she loves learning new languages, and studies Thai language and got a Statement of Achievement from HKU SPACE.
About Me :
ca2eypirat works as a graphic designer in Hong Kong, drawing plus illustration is ca2eypirat's interest too. Her illustrations are mainly black line hand drawings or acrylic painting; her drawing includes plant pattern, girls, irregular shapes and sharp colors. In the near future that will be primed for making computer artwork.
Recently she becomes a member of HKCAA, a group gathering people who enjoy creative art.
Website :

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