Roger Michel Fichmann




Profile Information:

First & Last Name :
Roger Fichmann
I am an Artist/Talent : (ระบุตามจริง/มีผลงานแสดง)
I am a Photographer and Specialize in : (ระบุตามจริง/มีผลงานแสดง)
Beauty, Glamour, Digital, Fashion, Fine Art, Nude, People, Portrait
Professional Info :
I loves crazy naughty studio shootings, breaking with conventions, experimenting with light and angles. I see myself being a photo artist rather than a photographer.
About Me :
Photography has taken control over me. A constant creative flow, contemplating my current work, restless searching for the next idea, the next shot even in my dreams.

I speak English, German, some French and Italian and I'm fluent in Thai.
Website :

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  • td-design

    SA-WAD-D-CAB-Roger ....." You're my idol"

  • tamm

    HALO! sind sie in phuket??
  • tamm

    ah, super!, ich habe in Phuket geboren ;)